Welcome to 1930's America. Thanks in large part to prohibition, organized crime is on the rise and a number of criminal Families are fighting to control every illicit market from booze and prostitution to gambling and kidnapping in this dog-eat-dog world of corruption and murder.
As the new kid on the block you're feelin' a little scared as your bid for total criminal control takes you through five major cities from the jerkwater suburbs of Hick Town to the Mecca of organized crime, Capitol City. Using your motley collection of Gangsters, Fixers, Thugs, Undesirables and Tenants, you need to wrest control of building after building, block after block until you have a cut of every illegal operation in the cities - and that's before you drop off a sack of payola to City Hall.
Windows 95/98: Pentium 166 processor (P266 recommended),
16Mb RAM (32Mb recommended),
2Mb PCI graphics card, 4 speed CD-ROM drive (8x recommended),
50Mb hard disk space (400Mb recommended),
Soundblaster or 100% compatible sound card with DirectX support,
Microsoft compatible mouse, speakers.
mercredi 19 août 2009
Street Wars Constructor Underworld
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Like many other games of its type, Cultures is based on producing food and raw materials to expand your settlement and increase its population. You assign your Vikings to build various structures, and once these structures are built you assign workers to man them. The more a Viking performs a particular task, the better he becomes at it, until he earns a "diploma" and becomes certified in that skill. The skill tree requires expertise in one skill before progressing to the next: To become a miller, for instance, a Viking must first become a master farmer. The linear building dependencies mirror this scheme, and through this gradual advancement you'll eventually have temples, weapons makers, carpenters, and all sorts of other buildings and artisans. Despite the storyline, the actual gameplay doesn't do much to evoke the feeling of a Viking saga and actually seems fairly bland
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Bus Driver
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Secret Mario Chronicles
Secret Maryo Chronicles is a free, open source style 2D jump and run game, inspired by the Nintendo Super Mario series. It is actively being developed and maintained by the Secret Maryo Chronicles development team, led by Florian Richter
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Between the Worlds - Pc Game
Uncover hidden objects to halt a cryptic crime spree that seems to be happening in another dimension. You must go Between the Worlds to discover the truth!
* Gather Clues
* Solve Crime Scenes
* Decipher Puzzles
* Find Hidden Objects
* Great Graphics & Music
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Terminator Salvation (2009) - Full ISO
Based on the upcoming Terminator Salvation film from Warner Bros. Pictures and Sony Pictures, players assume the role of John Connor, a soldier in the resistance, battling for survival against the far superior forces of Skynet.
Terminator Salvation the videogame is an intense action-packed third-person shooter featuring concentrated armed combat against all of the Skynet enemies from the film and new killer machines specifically designed for the game. Taking place two years before the events of the upcoming film set in a post apocalyptic, decimated Los Angeles, players will be lead through a visceral, story and character driven gaming experience.
Featuring intense third-person action, Terminator Salvation the videogame will take combat to the next level with iconic enemies, cinematic fight sequences and advanced weaponry, drawn directly from the film, as well as an innovative, multi-layered cover mechanic.
Game Features:
* New Installment of Terminator Mythology: Set two years prior to the upcoming Terminator Salvation film, players will get the opportunity to be John Connor for the first time and continue the epic fiction of the Terminator mythology.
* Unrelenting Intelligent Robotic Enemies: Unrelenting and incredibly resilient iconic enemies from the Terminator franchise fight to the bitter end on land and in the sky. Designed to pursue the player by any means necessary, damaged or broken enemies will literally claw their way forward to inflict harm.
* Advanced Destructible Cover Gameplay: Terminator Salvation ?¯???½ The Videogame will incorporate advanced cover mechanics which allows players to use the destructible environment as protection and strategically navigate through enemy entrenched territory. The cover mechanic?¯???½s multi-faceted design changes the way ?¯???½cover?¯???½ gameplay is executed.
* Diverse Array of Advanced Weaponry: The player has access to a wide array of weapons including shotguns, fully automatic machine guns, huge mounted weaponry, grenades, rocket-launchers and even a plasma firing Skynet tank.
* Rugged Armored Vehicles Gun Fights: Pursue, attack, or evade enemies through post-apocalyptic environments on foot or inside rugged armored vehicles in extremely kinetic and extensive cinematic gun battles.
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Star Wars Rogue Squadron 3D iSO
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D takes place after the Battle of Yavin where Luke Skywalker blew up the Death Star. In the face of the Imperial threat, Luke Skywalker and Wedge Antilles have put together a group of 12 of the Rebel Alliance's finest pilots. This group is known as the Rogue Squadron.
The game seats you in the center of the Star Wars epic by letting you fly as Luke Skywalker. There are a number of ships are at your disposal: X-wings, Y-wings, A-wings, V-wings and speeders. Although these are the normally selectable vehicles, sharp players will find hidden vehicles.
Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D places you in 16 environments ranging from water fly-overs to volcanic regions. Fans of the Star Wars series and web site will likely notice such locations as Mos Eisley, Kessel, Mon Calamari, and Corellia.
Whether using laser cannons, photon torpedoes or simple tow cables, you'll have to defeat a number of enemies including AT-AT walkers, AT-STs, TIE fighters and many more. The Rebel Alliance is counting on you!
* Command Roque Squadron and take down the empire through 19 missions
* Fly X-wings, Y-wings, A-wings, V-wings, and snowspeeders
* Go up against AT-AT's, TIE fighters, and more
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Assassins Creed (2.96GB) Ripped by Skullptura
Assassin's Creed features one of the most unique gameworlds ever created: beautiful, memorable, and alive. Every crack and crevasse is filled with gorgeous, subtle details, from astounding visual flourishes to overheard cries for help. But it's more than just a world--it's a fun and exciting action game with a ton of stuff to do and places to explore, rounded out with a complex story that will slowly grab you the more you play. The PC version has a few more issues than its console counterparts, and the keyboard-and-mouse controls strip away some of the smooth magic of exploration. Nevertheless, if you don't mind plugging in a gamepad and have a system that exceeds the system requirements, you'll find the same free-form travels and atmospheric game world that console owners enjoyed last year.
Not enough can be said about the living, breathing universe that you'll inhabit in Assassin's Creed. As assassin extraordinaire Altair, you'll explore three major cities of the Holy Land in the 12th century: Jerusalem, Damascus, and Acre. Each city is beautifully rendered from top to bottom and features meticulously crafted towers that reach for the sky, bustling market squares, and quiet corners where citizens converse and drunks lie in wait to accost you. As you wander the streets (and rooftops), you'll push your way through crowds of women carrying jars on their heads, hear orators shout political and religious wisdom, and watch town guards harass innocent victims. Altair has a profound effect on this world, but the cities are entities all their own, with their own flows and personalities.
The visual design has a lot to do with how believably organic everything feels. The cities are absolutely huge, and though you don't get full exploration privileges in the first few chapters, they eventually open up to let you travel seamlessly from one side to another. Everything is beautifully lit with just the right amount of bloom effect, and almost everything casts a shadow, from tall pillars to Altair's cloak. In fact, sometimes the shadows get to be a bit much and may make you think for a moment that there is artifacting on your screen, when in fact it's a character's head casting a shadow on his or her own neck. Every object, from scaffolds to pottery, is textured so finely that you'll feel as if you could reach out and touch it. Animations are almost as equally well done. Altair scales walls, leaps majestically from towers, and engages in swashbuckling swordfights that would make Errol Flynn proud. And he does it all with fluid ease, generally moving from one pose to another without a hitch. Minor characters move with less aplomb, but that's easy to forgive, considering that the cities are populated with thousands and thousands of individuals.
On a high-powered PC, these elements look even more stunning than they did on the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, but the splendor comes with a price: The minimum requirements to play Assassin's Creed are surprisingly high, particularly where the CPU is concerned (a dual-core processor is mandatory). On one test PC that runs Crysis at a respectable frame rate on medium settings, Assassin's Creed slowed to a crawl at lower settings. A high-end test machine ran the game with much better results, though with some occasional slowdown.
What you hear is even more impressive than what you see. At the top of a temple, you hear little but the rush of wind, the twittering of birds, and the barking of a far-off dog. In the most populated areas, your ears will fill with the din of street vendors, the pleas of beggars, and the occasional humming. It's never too much, though, and the game does a good job of making sure you hear what you need to hear (for example, the cries of citizens who need your help) without filling your ears with pointless noise. The voice acting of the supporting cast is similarly remarkable. Conversations are completely believable and delivered with the perfect amount of solemn dignity. Oddly, the weakest link is Altair himself. Actor Philip Shahbaz does an all right job, but he isn't up to par with the first-rate acting of his fellow troupe. Rounding it all out is a beautiful orchestral score that is most notable for its subtlety. Many of the game's most impressive moments are accompanied by lovely musical themes that add even more threads to the game's rich living tapestry. We did run into some audio glitches on two of our three test systems, however, in which sound effects would occasionally stutter and hitch. The game's readme file included a potential workaround for this issue, though in our case, it didn't solve it.
The story that binds it all together rises to the occasion. Actually, there are two related stories in play. The unfolding drama of Crusades-era Palestine is a mere memory, forcibly pulled from a modern-day bartender named Desmond by a resolute researcher using a machine called an animus. The memories aren't Desmond's own--they are Altair's, stored safely in the hapless subject's genetic code. We follow Altair as he assassinates nine public figures at the command of his master, and as the common thread that ties these men comes into focus, so does the true identity of Desmond's captors. There are no cutscenes in the traditional sense; every bit of story exposition and dialogue flows smoothly from the gameplay and takes place entirely within the game engine. The ending is confusing and blatantly leaves open the possibility of a sequel, but this is a small blemish on an otherwise stirring tale. Altair's world is not one of absolutes. His assassination targets aren't always evil, and Altair isn't always likable. As he is fond of reminding us, "Nothing is true. Everything is permitted."
Of course, such an authentic world would be meaningless without a lot of fun things to do in it. Thankfully, Assassin's Creed is endlessly entertaining in that it features a fine mix of stealthy exploration, tight platforming, and exciting combat. To discover the whereabouts of your assassination targets, you must first follow up on possible leads. There are several different mission types in this regard. In some cases, you sit on a bench and listen in on secret conversations. At other times, you will closely follow someone carrying an important letter that you'll pickpocket. Alternately, you can beat the information out of your target. There are also some tasks specific to this version of the game. Oddly, some of these new missions feel more contrived than the others, such as timed sprints and escort tasks in which guards execute scripted attacks as you move to your destination. Since the game's greatest strengths lie in its unscripted events, these additional tasks feel less organic than the others. On the other hand, missions that let you silently assassinate rooftop archers and fling guards into market stands are more interesting and fit better into the game's sandbox world.
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PlayFirst Games - Cooking Dash
And she cooks, too! When Cookie the Chef leaves Flo's Diner to pursue a career on a popular cooking reality TV show, he creates a shortage of chefs in DinerTown by inviting them all to appear as guest stars. It's up to Flo to pick up the slack with a whole new set of food service skills! Help Flo and Grandma Florence keep five DinerTown restaurants up and running... if you can stand the heat!
* Over 50 levels of game play
* Master the art of perfectly prepared meals in five different restaurants
* 3D rendered characters add dimension to the animation
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mardi 18 août 2009
Shopping Madness
Shopping Madness
Get 5 for 1 in this wacky shopping adventure! It?s a shopper?s paradise with different floors of shopping madness, each with its own fun way to play. Go on the ultimate shopping spree with various shopping challenges and more shoes, clothes and make-up than you can imagine! Use your mp3s and listen to your awesome music while beating your opponents to the counter! Get your cart, and let?s go shopping!
* Add your mp3s to the game to create the soundtrack of your choice!
* Shop for shoes, clothes, make-up and more on the shopping spree of a lifetime!
* Various shopping challenges in the dash to become the World?s Top Shopper.
* Explore different floors of an exclusive department store, each with its own unique way to play.
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Tekken 4
Despite the title, Tekken 4 is the fifth installment of Namco's Tekken series, and the first true sequel since Tekken 3 (Tekken Tag Tournament was considered more of a side-project than a sequel). Many of the main characters make a return appearance in the game, especially those central to the ongoing Tekken saga.
While the standard four-button control configuration returns, there are some enhancements in the area of movement. Tekken 3 introduced side-stepping, a way for characters to get around and behind their opponents, whereas Tekken 4 brings true 3D movement one step closer. Characters can now fully walk to their left and right instead of taking baby steps.
Another change to the Tekken world is the addition of walls to each of the stages. In the past, Tekken was known for its free environments, but now barriers, walls, and even people can stand in the way of the fight, creating new combo opportunities for those fortunate to have their opponents with their backs to the wall. Tekken 4 also possesses a feature called "Just Frame Technique." Completing full combination strings will now require more precise timing than in the past.
Tekken 4 begins with ten playable characters, including three new fighters with two all-new fighting styles. There are an additional ten slots for time-released characters to fill, which will include faces from Tekken past as well as new characters ready to enter the tournament.
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Mercedes CLC
Minimum System Requirements:
System: WinXP / Vista
Processor: Pentium IV 2.6 GHz
Memory: 512 MB
Video: 128 MB, DX9-compliant
Audio card: a DX9-compatible
Hard disk: 346 MB
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Ship Simulator 2008
With "Ship Simulator," you’d think it would be centered around sailing around the world and enjoying the view – the sunsets! Not exactly. In some respects, "Ship Simulator" is exactly what you would expect it to be. The objectives are to sail different types of ships in a variety of situations. It is, however, not a game that will give you free reign of the world, like "Microsoft Flight Simulator" does. "Ship Simulator" does include not every inch of the world, what it does is gives us a little bit of places across the globe.
"Ship Simulator" Features
* 9 playable boats: R.M.S Titanic, Container vessel, Yacht, Small Container ship, Inland Cargo ship, Harbour Patrol ship, Tug boat, Power boat, and Taxi boat.
* Sail around the world and visit the largest harbors (New York, Rotterdam, and Hamburg).
* 40 missions that have you doing search-and-rescue missions, racing a speedboat, to towing a cargo boat through a narrow harbor entrance with your powerful tugboat.
* Complete weather system with wind, rain, and of course, sunshine.
* Create and exchange missions with other players of "Ship Simulator."
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Foreign Legion Buckets of Blood
Foreign Legion Buckets of Blood
Foreign Legion: Buckets of Blood is a cartoon-style third-person shooter. You take the role of a last-standing hard-boiled Legionnaire on a mission to protect a village against an entire rebel army.
As the last survivor of a Foreign Legion strike team, you alone must protect a village against a local rebel group. The villagers took refuge and fortified themselves inside the town hall and are waiting for the rescue helicopter to arrive. It’s your job to protect the villagers from the rebels’ ambushes!
Key features:
* Fill your buckets with blood by causing suicide bombers to explode prematurely or shoot gory head shots!
* A dynamically evolving soundtrack that reacts to your actions!
* A complete arsenal of weapons, including personal air-raid support to slaughter attacking hordes at once.
* A broad range of difficulty and levels with action-packed fun for both casual and veteran players!
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My Fitness Coach (Wii)
Take your work-out a step further and work out with Maya, your virtual personal trainer, in an accessible, convenient and intense fitness program designed to meet your needs. First, Maya tests your fitness level in order to establish your goals and set up a commitment calendar for you. Maya will guide you through dynamic workouts featuring over 500 unique exercises � this ensures that no two workouts are ever the same. Choose your music, your mood, areas you want to focus on and Maya will take care of the rest. Maya provides you fitness advice and motivational pep talks during workouts that help keep you moving and on the way to meet your fitness goals.
* Evaluate your current fitness level in order to determine your baseline fitness.
* Fitness goals and workout calendar: decide if your fitness goal is weight loss, upper body strength, lower body strength, core body strength, cardio fitness, or flexibility. Then choose the length of your program and establish how often you plan to workout.
* Training sessions with over 500 unique exercises featuring Yoga, Pilates, Kickboxing, Cardio fitness, Strength Training, Flexibility, and Weight Loss Routine.
* Tutorials: during the workout you can pause the action and watch the model demonstrate exactly how a move is done correctly.
* Charting progress: see your success tracked and displayed graphically as you work out. Maya will takes you through a similar evaluation after every 10th workout to measure your progress (e.g. push-ups, squats, crunches, etc.).
* Settings: 9 different workout environments and 4 types of music (Hip Hop, 80�s, Latin and Dance).
* Meditation garden: the perfect place to practice stretching, Yoga and complete relaxation.
* Workout equipment: compatible with your own piece of equipment that you can incorporate into your workouts
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Harpoon Classic
Harpoon Classic
Harpoon Classic was the first computer Harpoon game and probably the world’s best naval game when it shipped from Three-Sixty back in December 1989. Three-Sixty continued selling and updating the product until early 1994 when the rights reverted back to Applied Computing Services Inc., the original developer and rights holder. Alliance Interactive licensed the code and rights from ACSI in mid 1994 and developed Harpoon Classic for Windows 3.1. In 1996, Alliance licensed Harpoon Classic ‘97 to Interactive Magic, which developed the game further to Windows 95.
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Atlantis Underwater Tycoon (Portable)
Portable Atlantis Underwater Tycoon
PC Game | Genre: Economic Simulation | 116.01 MB
Atlantis Underwater Tycoon offers gamers a chance to try their hands at underwater exploration, offshore mining and colonization in the deep blue oceans of the world including the Caribbean, the Arctic Ocean and many more. Basically the game lets players build 3D cities under the world's greatest oceans comprised of such "objects of attraction" as Sea Turtle aquariums, whale sanctuaries, oil wells, movie theatres, shopping malls, prisons, nuclear testing facilities, undersea communities, and more.
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Relic Hunt The Mystery 1.0
Relic Hunt The Mystery 1.0 | 100 MB
It is all about dense forest and treasure hunting. Markus, grandson of Melvin is the hero of this game and he is a treasure hunter. Markus is mischievous and always playful. Both of them used to go inside for hunting and Markus learns the way of hunting from his grandfather. One day Melvin lost his grandson in a dense forest and even after through search, he could not find Markus. So, he returned home thinking Markus might have been killed by wild animals. But to his surprise, he found Markus back to home before him. Both the Grandfather and Grandson rejoined together Melvin was very happy to know Markus�s potential. Later Markus after the death of his grandfather came to know about his dream and undertake an adventure to fulfill his grandfather�s wish.
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All Aspect Warfare (2009)
The group of combat aircraft means suffers shipwreck on a hostile planet. Bosses orders to destroy all enemies. Mission consists of one large-scale campaign that can not be the same twice.
Year: 2009
Genre: Action (Shooter) / Simulator (Flight Combat / Futuristic veh.) / 3D / 1st Person / 3rd Person
Developer: 3000AD
Publisher: 3000AD
Platform: PC
Size: 557,7 MB
Type of publication: license
Release Group: SKIDROW
Format: bin / cue
Minimum system requirements:
System: Windows XP or Windows Vista
Processor: Dual Core CPU (Intel Pentium 4 3.4Ghz, AMD Athlon 64 X2 3.0GHz or faster)
Memory: 1GB
Video Card: 256MB GPU with Shader Model 3 (nVidia GeForce 7900 / ATI Radeon X1300 or faster)
DirectX: DirectX 9.0 March 2009 Runtime
Audio Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card (on-board or add-in)
Recommended system requirements:
System: Windows XP or Windows Vista
Processor: Intel Core 2 Duo E6320 / AMD X2 6000 or faster
Memory: 2GB
Video Card: 512MB GPU with Shader Model 3 (nVidia GeForce 8600 GTS / Radeon HD2900 XT or faster)
DirectX: DirectX 9.0 March 2009 Runtime
Audio Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card (on-board or add-in)
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Airport Tycoon 2 (Portable)
Portable Airport Tycoon 2
PC Game | Genre: Simulation | 206.31 MB
The weatherman predicts a tornado. Planeloads of baggage have mysteriously disappeared. Flight delays have left customers in an uproar. Now, your most valuable airline is ready to pull the plug on a lucrative contract. Welcome to the world of Airport Tycoon 2, where the sky is the limit, and failure is just over the horizon!
Airport Tycoon 2 is the highly anticipated sequel to the enormously successful original 3D Management Simulation. Oversee every aspect of building and operating a full-scale airport in a lush, stunning 3D graphics environment. Purchase your land and begin construction on the world's largest transportation conglomerate, using a hoard of buildings and airplanes. Guarantee the satisfaction, safety and security of your customers with reliable airlines, a well-trained staff, and hi-tech extras to become the ultimate Airport Tycoon!
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Airline Tycoon Evolution (Portable)
Portable Airline Tycoon Evolution
PC Game | Genre: Simulation | 191.82 MB
Manage your own airline; Create your own aircraft; Trade planes over the Internet; Decide on the level of security of your planes; 10 new missions.
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Twelve Sky 2 (2009)
Title: Twelve Sky 2
Year: 2009
Developer: Gigassoft
Language: English only
Platform: PC
Game description:
The game is set in ancient China during the time of bloody wars between the clans. Players will embark on one side and bring your clan to victory. The choice represented a wide variety of classes, fighting styles, advanced system of PvP. The developers promise a huge living world inhabited a lot of amazing monsters and animals, hundreds of interesting quests, and thousands of unique predmetov.Odnoy of the main distinguishing features of the game will be a high degree of visualization of various techniques and strokes, in whom great Twelve Sky kolichestvo.Horosho defined PvP system will be and in duels and massive battles, with lots of other players
System requirements:
OS Windows 98, XP, 2000, Vista
CPU Pentium IV 2.4 Ghz: Pentium III 800 Mhz
RAM 1 GB: 512MB
Graphics GeForce FX 5600 or Radeon 9550 128MB: GeForce FX 5200 or Radeon 7600 64 MB
Direct X 9.0c
Hard Disk 3 GB (Client Size: 2 GB)
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